Breslin Law Group, PLLC

NY Traffic Defense Lawyers

We’ll go to court so you don’t have to.


We Fight New York Traffic Tickets

There are few things in life more frustrating and inconvenient than getting pulled over by the police. We know because we’ve been there.

Our goal is simple: take the frustration and inconvenience out of the equation.

If you are charged with speeding, running a red light, failing to yield, or any other violation of New York’s Vehicle and Traffic Law (VTL), we will fight to obtain the best possible outcome, with as little inconvenience to you as possible. In many cases, we are able to resolve your tickets without your appearance at court. This saves you significant time, money, and inconvenience.

New York is one of the last remaining states that forces you to either plead guilty by mail, or appear personally in court, sometimes over and over, in order to resolve a simple traffic ticket. We offer another option. We strive to help you avoid going to court and waiting for hours for your minute with the judge. We do it all for you. New York permits attorneys to appear on behalf of clients facing non-criminal charges, including traffic tickets. With a simple “Waiver of Appearance,” we can often resolve the ticket through the mail. If we cannot resolve the ticket through the mail, we can typically appear in court for you - meaning you don’t have to take time out of your busy life to sit in a stuffy courtroom for what could be hours on end.

After we resolve your traffic ticket, we notify you of the resolution and send detailed instructions as to how to pay the fine and surcharge, if any.

Our goal is to take the inconvenience, time, confusion, and frustration out of the already-annoying fact of a traffic ticket or moving violation. We are a high-caliber criminal defense firm that handles cases all over the state of New York. So many of our clients referred friends with speeding tickets and other traffic tickets, that we decided to start this site solely dealing with New York Traffic Ticket Defense.


Submit your traffic ticket information by clicking the button below.


Confidentially Submit Your Traffic Ticket Information

Please fill and submit the form below. Someone from our office will be in touch very shortly. We will respond with a quote for our services, as well as other information we may need (for example, we will ask that you scan/email or fax your tickets to our office). If you need immediate assistance, or have a court date in the next 72 hours, please call 518-650-3733.

Contact Sam Breslin


Breslin Law Group, PLLC

733 Broadway, Suite 1

Albany, New York 12207